Monday, June 3, 2013

DAY 167

Summer Hiatus

When I began this blogging adventure I did it primarily to keep myself honest during the winter. I figured it would be a motivator to hit the trail even when it was cold and uninviting. And so it was. The only days I missed from October to the middle of February were due to a short spell of back trouble.

Now, however, I find myself in a dilemma. I don't like stopping to take pix in the summer. I want to ride far and fast. My toes are clipped in. The thrill is in the chase, not the details of the path.

So I'm going to let my blog take a summer vacation. Who knows what mischief blogs get up to when unattended, but I guess I'll find out.

Meanwhile, enjoy your summer, ride the trail and we'll meet again sometime.
